Siemens Simatic Step7 V5 5 Professional: FAQs and Support
So now that we have seen what the differences are between the two packages we can begin to see how the different license types affect the software. Both license types are compatible but when a person only has one license they are usually only able to use that license on the one computer or PLC it was purchased on. For example, if you have a Floating license you can use it on whatever you want but if you have a Local license on one CPU the license on the other is restricted to that CPU.
siemens simatic step7 v5 5 profesional license key
The downloadable version of the Step 7 software, the Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon and Omega licenses all require a valid license. This means that only one license can be installed on a computer.
Floating licenses are most suitable for large companies which use computers in many locations to run programs. Because a Floating license can be used on a lot of computers it is cheaper to buy than the Local license.
Local licenses are usually used in a company where the software only runs on one computer. However, in such a company, a downloadable license could be very useful since it can be used on the same computer it was purchased from.
In order to use STEP 7 Lite on the S7-200/400, or S7-300 HMI, you will need a Local license if you only have one machine or ONE CPU. Local licenses only work with one CPU. Yes, one CPU. One CPU. This is the same thing that you would get if you bought only the local license (sometimes called the Local version).
If you have a Local license, that means that you are sharing this license across at least 1 CPU. When you install a Delta license on one CPU (the CPU where it was purchased from) you cannot install it on another CPU. To do this you would need an Extended license. You would need an Extended license if you purchased the Delta license on one CPU then installed it on another CPU. If you purchase an Extended license on one CPU and the Delta license is installed on that CPU then the Delta license is also installed on that other CPU.