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Maverick Sanchez
Maverick Sanchez

ASP.NET Zero 5.0 ##TOP##

I need some advice on what the best practice is in adding Metronic 5.0 components into my ASP.NET zero template. I was expecting that Metronic 5 would include directives for Angular 2 but it is not the case and all components are set to a field via JQuery yet. For example how would I be able to include the Metroic 5 slider into my project? I have noticed that there is a PrimeNg slider directive in the project and once I included it into my main.module i can simply using its directive in my code. But how can I use Metronic ones? I can't find any angular directive for Metronic in the downloaded package! there are just some demo pages which all are using Javascript to bind html elements to components. I have not found the core javascripts code for the Metronic elements yet though!

ASP.NET Zero 5.0


A one-to-zero-or-one relationship happens when a primary key of one table becomes PK & FK in another table in a relational database such as SQL Server.So, we need to configure the above entities in such a way that EF creates the Students and StudentAddresses tables in the DB and makes the StudentId column in Student table as PrimaryKey (PK) and StudentAddressId column in the StudentAddresses table as PK and ForeignKey (FK) both.

Note: Student includes the StudentAddress navigation property and StudentAddress includes the Student navigation property. With the one-to-zero-or-one relationship, a Student can be saved without StudentAddress but the StudentAddress entity cannot be saved without the Student entity. EF will throw an exception if you try to save the StudentAddress entity without the Student entity.

My first professional web application I built, I used framework to develop it. My experience was somehow out of this world. It was my first time building a web application using ASP.NET, I had to learn from the beginning how the framework works, and once I figured out how it works, I fell in love with it; 2 applications after the first one was developed using it.

CEOs from AstraZeneca, GSK, Merck KGaA, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Samsung Biologics and Sanofi today announced joint action to achieve near-term emissions reduction targets and accelerate the delivery of net zero health systems. For the first time, the global health sector has come together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) Health Systems Task Force, a public-private partnership launched at COP26.

Sustainable Markets Initiative Health Systems Task ForceThe SMI Health Systems Task Force launched at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) with the central aim of accelerating the delivery of net zero, patient-centric healthcare systems that improve individual, societal, and planetary health. The public-private partnership brings together CEOs and leaders from AstraZeneca, GSK, Merck, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Samsung Biologics, Sanofi, the Karolinska Institutet, National Health Service England, the Sustainable Healthcare Coalition, UNICEF, the University of Pavia, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

ASP. NET Core is an open-source and core training cross-platform that runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac to develop modern cloud-based applications including IoT apps, Web Apps, Mobile Backends, and more. It is the fastest web development framework from NodeJS, Java Servlet, PHP in raw performance, and Ruby on Rails.

The following example creates a semaphore with a maximum count of three threads and an initial count of zero threads. The example starts five tasks, all of which block waiting for the semaphore. The main thread calls the Release(Int32) overload to increase the semaphore count to its maximum, which allows three tasks to enter the semaphore. Each time the semaphore is released, the previous semaphore count is displayed. Console messages track semaphore use. The simulated work interval is increased slightly for each thread to make the output easier to read.

The count is decremented each time a thread enters the semaphore, and incremented each time a thread releases the semaphore. To enter the semaphore, a thread calls one of the Wait or WaitAsync overloads. To release the semaphore, it calls one of the Release overloads. When the count reaches zero, subsequent calls to one of the Wait methods block until other threads release the semaphore. If multiple threads are blocked, there is no guaranteed order, such as FIFO or LIFO, that controls when threads enter the semaphore.


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